Feature Engineering
as a Service

Pre-engineered features for ML-driven forecasts.
OS portfolio engineering software.
Custom solutions / research.


The ForecastOS Super Six: What We Believe

The ForecastOS Super Six are the 6 core beliefs that drive much of our product development efforts. Our core beliefs, in no specific order, are: 1. Institutional investors are unwilling to have platform lock-in. They want to own their IP.


Releasing InvestOS v0.3

Over the last few weeks, a few professional investors have become interested in our opinionated framework for constructing and backtesting portfolios: InvestOS. We've helped them get started, and in doing so, found and fixed a couple design flaws. The result is InvestOS v0.3. A de-coupled and improved framework. This work also yielded 13 friendly guides for using InvestOS, covering

Helping you build modern edge


Our Solutions


Eliminate 80% of ML/AI forecasting work with our feature engineering as a service! For data scientists, researchers, and ML-engineers. Pull feature data from anywhere in 1 line of code.

+1350 pre-engineered features


Open-source portfolio engineering / optimization, backtesting, risk models, and reporting software. Enterprise support available by request.

View Guides
Skylight Backtest Screenshot


Custom solutions and consulting. Previous projects include dataset valuation, an app for systematic investment management, and ML-driven alpha forecasts.

Contact Us

Book a no-pressure call to explore our solutions. If it's a fit, we'll plan and walk you through a simple setup process.